Alhamdulillah, praise to Allah the Almighty for with His blessings, another KAFA class was successfully held on 3rd December 2011 with a very good turn ups. The attendees were from all age range, from as little as 4 years old to as big (and wise) as 15 years old.
The day was started off with the recitation of suratul Fatihah and du’a, led by the ‘teachers’ and joined enthusiastically by the ‘students’.
First on the agenda was “What is my deen?”Sister Izreena shared a story about a muslim kid, the friends he had and how he treats them. Subhanallah! Everyone was very keen and excited to share their thoughts and knowledge. It is hoped that this story telling session will help in instituting a good akhlak in these young children through an interactive and enjoyable learning experience, InsyaAllah. After that, it was time for Asr prayer.
The next session was “How do I follow Islam?” Alhamdulillah, everyone knows when asked about the thing we must do before praying was to take wudhuk (ablution). The kids were shown a demonstration on the adab or etiquette of entering the toilet by Auntie Yentti such as:
1) recite the du’a upon entry
2) to walk in with the left foot
3) to cover the head
4) to wear slippers.
Before the prayer itself, the imam and the muezzin were appointed among the children. For that day, adik Ridhuan bravely stood up as the Imam and adik Naim courageously took the place of bilal to say out the Iqamah. The young ones were taught on the adab in solah. Few simple things were reminded and explained to the caliphs such as:
1) never walk across when someone is praying
2) where to line up and to line up in a straight line for a proper saff.
It is hope that in the next few KAFA classes, we would be able to teach the basic recitation in prayer and the meanings, insyaAllah.
Next in the agenda was “Who are they?” This is another story telling session which covers the topic on Seerah. This time it was a story about the Prophet Musa A.S. Once again, everyone was really participative and very inquisitive making the session an enjoyable one for both the students as well as the teachers.
After concluding the story telling session, the kids were divided into their groups for “The light of my life” session. The little caliphs were taught the Alquran using the Albaghdadi playtime method. While the senior caliphs read the Quran with the guidance from the teachers on the tajwid and makhraj.
The KAFA class was wrapped up with the “Islam is my way” session, which is presented to the caliphs in a more practical environment rather than theory. The beauty of Akhlaq in Islam was delivered during the snack time! The kids were offered some pizzas and hot chocolate as an evening snack. But first, they must all :
1) recite the du’a
2) wash their hands and be seated properly which they did very well considering the excitement and hunger over the delicious food .
They were also reminded:
1) to eat using their right hand, following the sunnah of our prophet, Prophet Muhammad S.A.W
2) to recite the du’a after a meal.
On the same note, we humbly welcome any contribution of food from parents as it does wonders in making the kids very happy and cooperative throughout the KAFA class…Healthy food yeah & please no chocolate or sweeties
So that’s all for this week’s class and hopefully we’ll see you again next week insyaAllah.